Ok the moment you have been waiting for is finally here: La MoDa Mixtapes is officially a podcast. From now on you'll be able to come here and get yo read on, and you will also recieve an "episode" update" from itunes. Your iphonies and itouchios will be very happy. when we post a new mix it will go directly to your device. yeah, even yurr crackburry. we've been conflicted for a while about doing this, mainly because we love writing about these mixes, but now that you can get yurr La MoDa mixsets sent to your umbilical organizational device, will you still come here to read our funnies? we dont know, but we will promise this, we will still be here. we will still post the humorous, scandalous, and yes scintillating witty bon mots you've grown to love. whether you come here or not. so without further ado is the first working episode of the La MoDa Mixtapes blog!
click this link to be taken directly to the feedburner podcast page. on the page, on your right hand side is an option to "subscribe with itunes", do it. you will get this mix first and then the option to get all the other ones sent to you as well. dont forget to set the preferences to UPDATE DAILY, in your itunes podcast window. if you are having trouble with any of this, please email us at lamodamixtapes@gmail.com
we hope yalls have been enjoying the work we have put into this endevor and we'll be posting goodies again soon.
La MoDa Mix Tapes mgmt.
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